La investigación científica

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La investigación científica es un proceso complejo que involucra a múltiples personas con el objetivo de avanzar en el conocimiento y contribuir a mejoras sociales. A continuación, presentamos la lista de publicaciones científicas en desarrollo desde el grupo GREEN.

Título AutoresRevista Link
Validation of Alternative Beam T-Junction Fem Models for Complex Tubular StructuresFrancisco Badea , JoseLuis Olazagoitia 1 and JesusAngel PerezMaterials 2022
Study of an Energy-Harvesting Damper Based on Magnetic InteractionAberturas, Susana, Antonio Hernando, José Luis Olazagoitia, and Miguel Ángel GarcíaSensors 2022
Assessing the Performance of Design Variations of a Thermoacoustic Stirling Engine Combining Laboratory Tests and Model ResultsIniesta, Carmen, José Luis Olazagoitia, Jordi Vinolas, Jaime GrosMachines Statistics
An Innovative Energy Harvesting Shock Absorber System for MotorbikesA González, JL Olazagoitia, J Viñolas, I Ulacia, M IzquierdoIEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
Modelling the impact of structural flexibility of wheelsets and rails on the wheel-rail contact and the wearIngo Kaiser, Gerhard Poll, Jordi Vinolas,Wear
BEAM T-JUNCTION MODEL ACCURACY IMPROVEMENT BASED ON EXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSISFrancisco Badea, JesusAngel Perez, , JoseLuis Olazagoitia International Journal of Automotive Technology
Real-Time Monitoring of Breath Biomarkers with aPeña, A.; Aguilera, J.D.; Matatagui, D.; de la Presa, P.; Horrillo, C.; Hernando, A.; MarínBiosensors
Magnetoelastic Contactless Gas Sensor: A Proof of Concept
Effects of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on random number generationVanesa Soto-León, Eva Díez-Rodríguez, Salvador Herrera-Pérez, Juliana M. Rosa, Juan Aguilar, Antonio Hernando, Carlota Bravo-Sánchez, Verónica López-González, Yolanda Pérez-Borrego, Sven Bestmann, Antonio Oliviero,Clinical Neurophysiology
Determining Unintentional Island Threshold to Enhance the Reliability in an Electrical Distribution GridArefin, Ahmed Amirul, Md. Siddikur Rahman, Molla Shahadat Hossain Lipu, Mahidur R. Sarker, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, and Sheikh Tanzim MerajMathematics
Enhancement of the phase, optical and dielectricAnwar Syed, Amir Sohail Khan, Amir Ullah, Mahidur R. Sarker, Muhammad Tahir Khan, Asad Ali, Haroon Ur Rashid, VineetJournal of Saudi Chemical Society
studies of Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 (BNT) based structure
Investigation of structural, opto-electronic, mechanical and thermoelectric properties of Rb-based fluoro-perovskites RbXF3 (X = Rh, Os, Ir) via first-principles calculationsUmar Ayaz Khan, Abdullah, Mahidur R. Sarker, Naimat Ullah Khan, Sajid Khan, Jehan Y. Al-Humaidi, Vineet Tirth, Moamen S. Refat, Abid Zaman, Ali Algahtani, Amnah Mohammed Alsuhaibani, Farhad ullah,Journal of Saudi Chemical Society
Investigation of Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Strain Responses of (1 − x)[0.90(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3 − 0.10SrTiO3] − xCuO CeramicsUmar Ayaz Khan, Abdullah, Mahidur R. Sarker *, Naimat Ullah Khan, Sajid Khan, Vineet Tirth, Abid ZamanACS Omega
Sol-gel Synthesis Control of Iron-Cobalt Alloy/Ferrite Core/shell Nanoparticles Supported by a Carbon Medium with Semi-Hard Magnetic FeaturesAlberto Castellano-Soria, Jesús López-Sánchez, Aida Serrano, Giulio Gorni, María Varela, Ignacio Sardinero, Noemí Carmona, Antonio Hernando, Pilar Marín, Elena NavarroJournal of Alloys and Compounds
Tuning Magnetoconductivity in LaMnO3NPs through CationicVacancy ControlAntonio Hernando1,2,3,4, M. Luisa Ruiz-González5, Omar Diaz1,5, JoséM. Alonso2,6, JoséL. Martínez6,Andrés Ayuela4, JoséM. González-Calbet5,7and Raquel Cortés-Gil5,Nanomaterials